Saturday, September 14, 2019

Wild Chpt 3-4

Friday, September 13 we took a test on chapters 3 and 4 and went over the questions on the test.

Thursday, September 12, 2019


In class today we read Chapter 2 of Wild by Cheryl Strayed. It was months after her mom died Cheryl’s husband Paul got accepted into a school that he applied for. Part of her was happy and wanted to support him and part of her was still grieving from her mother’s death. She was torn a piece of her left with her mother’s death. She needed closure and her way of doing it was having multiple affairs and stopped but felt lonely again and started back. She finally told Paul and her whole  life changed and got worse.


On September 11,2019, my teacher talked about the meaning of America. The class all came up with some words that gives an idea what America mean. Freedom was one the person explained that America is a free place. Another word was diverse, I would say that this is a big part that plays in America because there’s not just one number of races and cultures here. Then he asked use to define hero and I define it as someone  who is looked up to by others by doing what’s right. For my American hero I chose Michelle Obama. I said that she was a strong black women and she was not only a presidents wife but she was his work partner.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

New Beginnings

September 10,2019, I learned more interesting things about hiking. We have started a book called Wild by Cheryl Strayed. A summary of the book will be that Cheryl was going through hard times and depression in her life at the age of 22 and she  wanted a new beginning. She came across a book about the Pacific Crest and it interested her. She began to get an idea that this journey would help her with her depression and help her start her life over. I also learned that you  attract what you fear because of your actions not because you say you fear something.