Saturday, November 9, 2019

Joliffe’s Framework Design

Thursday we went over the Joliffes Framework Design. It consist of the rhetorical situations: exigence, audience and purpose. The second part of the design is the appeals: logos, ethos, pathos and  tone. Then there’s the overall structure and form.


Friday we went over the I have a dream speech again but we took notes on some more devices on how to analyze passages, speeches and etc. we took notes on tone and mood. Tone is the writers attitude towards a subject and the mood is the atmosphere the text evokes.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Roller coaster

It is a roller coaster that
seems to never stop,
worrying about things that
have not or never will happen.

It breaks me down into
pieces shattering the glass,
seeming so unfixable
leaving me a deer in the
headlights to what
will happen next.

I am losing my mind as
if I live in a crazy home.
Wishing I could ride off
into space, but you see
it, he see it and she
see that this rollercoaster
I am talking about it
the stress I am going through.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Today’s Presentation

Today in class we presented projects on 3 words. The directions was to bring 3 objects that related to that word. I feel like everyone was very creative with coming up with objects for their words. All of the presentation deliveries were entertaining to me. Some were funny and some were interesting.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

I Have A Dream Speech

Today in class we analyzed the speech I Have A Dream using Rhetorical Strategy. We also used the SOAPSTone diagram from yesterday to also analyze before we listened to it. This analyzation deeply explained his meaning and structure of the speech.

Monday, November 4, 2019


Today in class I didn’t really get all the information that Ms.Rease taught because unfortunately I was sleep. I was up to the SOAPTone diagram to help analyze small paragraphs. Reflecting off today’s class activities the little information that I did get, I will say that this is making reading and comprehending a passage way easier.