Tuesday, February 11, 2020


Today in class we had to answer 11 questions on how we felt about culture and how it could effect people. I didn’t get to see all the questions i was distracted catching up on sleep that I missed last night. It did get to me though because when I got home I thought about the future I tend to do it a lot. I was thinking I have to be focused and concentrate if I really want something in life. So change has been occurring but they have been really small I’m not proud of myself yet because all of the small things that I am working on are helping me to accomplish this big goal I had in mind because I know I can do it. (Sn: I’ve been texting so I might have been using abbreviations in my blogs not intentionally though it’s just a bad habit)


Today in class I got an early dismissal so I didn’t get as much done. In the beginning of class we talked about cultures and we were assigned a project on a different culture. The mean reason is for us to learn the differences in other people and their traditions and beliefs. Before I could any notes done I was called for an early. It’s was usual so I was very surprised and I kind of didn’t wanna leave class because I was interested in the topic of the day.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Test Day

I was not to excited to take this test today and the grade I made showed. Mr. Rease informed us yesterday that we would be taking one today and when he told us it went in one ear and out the other. Today class started and Mr. Rease asked were we ready for the test today the mood went from happy to depressed. I really believed I took that test with my heart and soul but I saw that wasn’t true compared to my test score.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Lessons Learned

Today in class there were life lessons to are needed for us teenagers. I felt like it was for the people who don’t really have a good relationship with their parents or the ones whose parents don’t teach them anything. But before all of the lessons we read two poems one names Son to Mother and the other Mother to Son. Son to Mother was about a boy being raised into a man and asking his mother for advice and nurturing her. Mother to Son was about a mother teaching her son that no matter how hard life gets get up and continue to push through because she has been through some things and has continued to evolve. Some themes from the poems that I will apply to my life are to not run from something because it is hard, to not do anything and vain, and no matter how hard things get I will eventually accomplish it.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020


Today in class we went over another prompt. I think I am getting better at doing the claims and backing it up with evidence. When we first went over it I thought I would never understand how to do it. The main focus on the prompt was to take a position on whether you agree or disagree with comedians saying true offensive times and turning it into a joke. Mr. Rease showed us videos on comedians practicing this in their standup. This was to help us with our evidence after we took our position. Honestly I’m kinda afraid that I will not have enough evidence for the real Ap exam when it gets here. Everytime we do go over prompts, Mr. Rease shows us examples and give us an idea of what evidence we should use. He told us today that we need to read more and observe more so we could be ready but my question was how are we going to be prepared for something when we don’t know the exact content that will be on it?

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Different Perspectives

The class lesson today was on the n-word. We talked about the meaning, the power it holds, and the offense it gives people. We went back in time and Ms.Rease showed us that the word was a term for blacks that were lazy, ignorant, and self indulgent. He asked us is it still okay if we used it in our slang term to other black people, using it as a meaning of your brother or homeboy. Most said yes because we have not been called that by someone who wasn’t black. He was telling us that it should be deleted out of our vocabulary all together because it has pain behind the word even if we did change it up a little.

Monday, February 3, 2020

About Todayy.....

Since I didn’t got to Mr. Rease class I will just talk about my day. This morning I was upset and I cried but I got over it. I didn’t want people asking me what’s wrong. So then I when to my happy place, art class. I love everything about art it just calms me down so easily and it takes my mind off of  all my problems I have to deal with. It’s like a drug I love it. Anyway I went on with my day happy, then Mr. Sanderson called me and a couple others to the drivers ed room and we practiced ACT English. Everything seemed so easy as we went step by step with it. I did have problems with word choice and commas but other than that it was quite easy.