Tuesday, February 11, 2020


Today in class we had to answer 11 questions on how we felt about culture and how it could effect people. I didn’t get to see all the questions i was distracted catching up on sleep that I missed last night. It did get to me though because when I got home I thought about the future I tend to do it a lot. I was thinking I have to be focused and concentrate if I really want something in life. So change has been occurring but they have been really small I’m not proud of myself yet because all of the small things that I am working on are helping me to accomplish this big goal I had in mind because I know I can do it. (Sn: I’ve been texting so I might have been using abbreviations in my blogs not intentionally though it’s just a bad habit)


Today in class I got an early dismissal so I didn’t get as much done. In the beginning of class we talked about cultures and we were assigned a project on a different culture. The mean reason is for us to learn the differences in other people and their traditions and beliefs. Before I could any notes done I was called for an early. It’s was usual so I was very surprised and I kind of didn’t wanna leave class because I was interested in the topic of the day.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Test Day

I was not to excited to take this test today and the grade I made showed. Mr. Rease informed us yesterday that we would be taking one today and when he told us it went in one ear and out the other. Today class started and Mr. Rease asked were we ready for the test today the mood went from happy to depressed. I really believed I took that test with my heart and soul but I saw that wasn’t true compared to my test score.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Lessons Learned

Today in class there were life lessons to are needed for us teenagers. I felt like it was for the people who don’t really have a good relationship with their parents or the ones whose parents don’t teach them anything. But before all of the lessons we read two poems one names Son to Mother and the other Mother to Son. Son to Mother was about a boy being raised into a man and asking his mother for advice and nurturing her. Mother to Son was about a mother teaching her son that no matter how hard life gets get up and continue to push through because she has been through some things and has continued to evolve. Some themes from the poems that I will apply to my life are to not run from something because it is hard, to not do anything and vain, and no matter how hard things get I will eventually accomplish it.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020


Today in class we went over another prompt. I think I am getting better at doing the claims and backing it up with evidence. When we first went over it I thought I would never understand how to do it. The main focus on the prompt was to take a position on whether you agree or disagree with comedians saying true offensive times and turning it into a joke. Mr. Rease showed us videos on comedians practicing this in their standup. This was to help us with our evidence after we took our position. Honestly I’m kinda afraid that I will not have enough evidence for the real Ap exam when it gets here. Everytime we do go over prompts, Mr. Rease shows us examples and give us an idea of what evidence we should use. He told us today that we need to read more and observe more so we could be ready but my question was how are we going to be prepared for something when we don’t know the exact content that will be on it?

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Different Perspectives

The class lesson today was on the n-word. We talked about the meaning, the power it holds, and the offense it gives people. We went back in time and Ms.Rease showed us that the word was a term for blacks that were lazy, ignorant, and self indulgent. He asked us is it still okay if we used it in our slang term to other black people, using it as a meaning of your brother or homeboy. Most said yes because we have not been called that by someone who wasn’t black. He was telling us that it should be deleted out of our vocabulary all together because it has pain behind the word even if we did change it up a little.

Monday, February 3, 2020

About Todayy.....

Since I didn’t got to Mr. Rease class I will just talk about my day. This morning I was upset and I cried but I got over it. I didn’t want people asking me what’s wrong. So then I when to my happy place, art class. I love everything about art it just calms me down so easily and it takes my mind off of  all my problems I have to deal with. It’s like a drug I love it. Anyway I went on with my day happy, then Mr. Sanderson called me and a couple others to the drivers ed room and we practiced ACT English. Everything seemed so easy as we went step by step with it. I did have problems with word choice and commas but other than that it was quite easy.

Friday, January 31, 2020

You learn something new everyday...

Today in class we did a follow up on what we where doing for the week. This whole we was preparing us to be able to answer any prompt that was given. So today the prompt was based of Kobe Bryant’s death and the TMZ reporter reporting false information. The prompt was is it wrong that the ABC channel suspended a reporter for reporting false information. We had to choose a position and make 5 claims. For me it took a lot out of me the write the little that i had. I would say it was decent for my first attempt on this pre exam. I do believe I need a little more questions answered and skills to complete the task in an AP form.

Thursday, January 30, 2020


I was absent today; I was supposed to come to school but I end up missing it because of the delay at the doctors office.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020


Today in class we put all the things we reviewed together to break down the prompt. We reviewed our readings, observations and experiences. Then we went over the differences between reason and reasoning.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020


I don’t know what my purpose is just because I only found two talents that I have. One is my skill in drawing the the other is my skill in doing hair. If I was to think off the top of my head of what I think it would be I would say caring for children. I think that because kids always latch on to me even if they don’t know me. Kids love me and I always used to think maybe it’s because I look weird. What I mean by that is that I look different to them. People say I have Chinese people eyes and that’s was my idea of why kids/babies are so interested in me. Til this day I still don’t have a clue of what my purpose is on this earth.

Monday, January 27, 2020

The Week Starter

Today in class I learned some life lessons without having to experience it. One was to cherish yo family and the people you love cuz you never when it will be their last day on earth. Another was life goes on. So he said all that to give a prompt about the differences in ownership. The position I chose was how goods and skills help build moral character. Mr. Rease used Kobe Bryant as an example saying that his character came from him skill in basketball and he build his was up off of that.

Friday, January 24, 2020

It’s Fridayyyy

Today in close we got back in our groups and finish the ap practice passage and questions. It’s Friday I wasn’t feeling it at all I just wanted to go home and take a nap. While they were going over the questions I was just agreeing. Then we talked about the word average and it’s meaning in different ways. Ms. Rease expects an average score from us because we know the skills and he makes it seem like it will be easy if we just apply those skills on the exam. I don’t know about this exam tho I think I’m one of the ones that he can give me all the skills and I still not get that average grade because English and writing is not my strongest but we’ll see when it’s time to take the test.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

AP classes

Today in class we were in groups of 3. I honestly hate going to this class I feel so stupid and less of a person in there. It’s bad that I can’t comprehend my own language right. Before we got in groups we took a ACT practice we had 12 questions, and 14 minutes to do it. When he said said 5 minutes I was was just getting to my 5th question. It’s not that I don’t know how to read, but I’ll read it and not understand nothing I just read. But that’s with all my Ap class test they all are testing my comprehension skills, which I don’t have. So yea it is ridiculous that my test results come out horrible just because I don’t have the knowledge or skill to comprehend well.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

A sub AGAIN!!

We had a sub again today and we just had to do a follow up on the work from yesterday. Instead of one paragraph we had to write two today.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

My Birthday

Unfortunately Mr. Rease wasn’t here today so we had a sub. Sadly we still had work to do. The assignment was to choose a claim on certainty and doubt and write a body paragraph.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Last Day of the Week

Today in class we did another follow up on the ap prompt again. We found claims and the evidence that goes with it. He gave us a packet of the previous rubric on the ap exam. We went over the number rates on each essay that was given in the passage. The first essay was well developed and worded and it was graded an 8. The second essay wasn’t as well written but it answer the prompt, had claims and evidence to back them up and surprisingly it was a 5.

Thursday, January 16, 2020


Today in class was a follow up on the ap prompt from the pass few days. We broke it down and begin to use observations and experiences that related to our claims on the relationship of doubt and certainty. My claim and observation was that doubt drives certainty. A mother doubts her car would be fixed in time but it eventually got fixed. That’s goes because the doubt that shit had drives her to wanna pay and call to check on her car. My experience was that I was certain I would pass my ap classes but I doubted that the final grade would be high. This is a claim of through doubt there’s certainty.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020


Today in class we reviewed our ap exam question using a deeper method. We watched videos about ones certainty versus their doubt. Then we came up with claims that went with the video and the two words. One of my claims are to visualize the certainty of things to come without a doubt. I used this claim from the video about the 10 million dollar check. I would use this quote personally for my life because if it can happen to him it can happen to me. To get the impossible you have to visualize and put in the work to get that I looked as it like speaking what you want to come into existence.

Monday, January 13, 2020


Today in class we played a game of four corners. This was a practice for arguments and backing it up with logical evidence. What I got from this exercise was that it breaks down all opposite opinions and    show how they all can be relatable. For example, one statement was should kids be able to spend there money without parent supervision. There were the choices of strongly agree, agree, strongly disagree, and disagree. My chose to agree because I think that if parent keep babying there child the child will get used to the parents help and not learn responsibility.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020


Today in class we talked about the things we will be going over in Unit 5. Then we began the lesson about logical fallacies. These are examples that are to be avoided when doing the Ap exam.